Background Image Foreground Image CSI Group


In the last decade, the combined efforts of the government, private sector, civil society, and international allies have driven the growth of the Indian economy. And the best part? The economy is on a rocket ride, projected to hit USD 5 Trillion by 2024-25 and potentially doubling to a staggering USD 10 Trillion by 2030. But to keep this excitement going, we need to tackle challenges with creativity and teamwork.


Catalysing Social Impact is all about celebrating India’s achievements

and finding meaningful cross-sectoral opportunities




Knowledge Sharing and Learning

Knowledge Sharing and


Resource Mobilisation



Impactful Partnerships



By sparking innovation and boosting investments, we can embark on an inclusive

and transformative journey towards the visionary goal of India@2047.

Catalysing Social Impact 2024 (CSI 2024) is a dynamic gathering of

visionaries, innovators, movers, and investors with a mission to

Supercharge Collective Action

Propel India’s journey towards becoming

a USD 5 trillion inclusive economy

Engage in Insightful Discussions

Dive deep into key topics and

explore impactful ideas

Join us for an exciting and transformative event

that promises to spark ideas and drive meaningful change




At CSI 2024, we’re breaking the mould of traditional conferences.


Learning Corridor/Showcase

Dive into interactive exhibits, multimedia presentations, immersive experiences, storytelling sessions, short film screenings, and pitch sessions. It’s all about making learning dynamic and engaging.


Interactive Sessions

Forget boring panels! We’re all about participatory processes. Games, workshops, and other innovative tools will be co-designed with our partners, ensuring everyone has ample time and space to engage and contribute. It’s not just about intellectual stimulation; it’s about creating an unforgettable experience.


Exciting Side Events

Do you have ideas that don’t quite fit the main themes? No problem. Our side events offer a platform for conversations and activities that align with the overall focus but venture into new territories.


Networking Zones

We’ve set up designated areas for attendees to connect, exchange ideas, and explore collaboration opportunities with exhibitors and fellow participants.

CSI 2024 is not just another conference—it’s an exciting opportunity designed to inspire and empower.

Get ready to experience something truly unique!


Stakeholder consensus and commitments with a focus on

‘Connect, Solve and Catalyse’ through

  • Enabling catalytic partnerships and investment opportunities, reducing discovery costs, and ensuring greater scale and impact
  • Encouraging positive action among key stakeholders to contribute collectively


CSI 2024 is a dynamic gathering where every organisation has something to take away,

through collaboration and networking

Implementing Organisation

Implementing organisations: CSOs, NGOs, and social enterprises can come together to join forces, showcase innovation, share experiences, and find collaborative partners for growth and impact within our dynamic event.


Funders, corporates and investors: Connect with sectoral leaders, practitioners, and innovators to identify partners, collaborations, and innovations. Dive deep into SDGs, learn, co-create, and carve out or deepen your niche for impactful change.

Implementing Organisation

Government: Gain insights for policy enhancements and implementation strategies for SDGs. Discover potential partners and scalable solutions for maximum impact.


Research and Policy Organisations / Academia: Exchange knowledge, disseminate insights, and uncover business opportunities.

Implementing Organisation

Service Providers & Domain Experts: Unveil your products/services and explore new frontiers for engagement.


Innovative Financing

Innovative Financing

Navigating the funding desert in social impact feels like chasing mirages. From the “Valley of Death” to limited project funds, the struggle persists. With the SDGs requiring trillions, we’re rallying to revolutionise financing for a brighter future.

Join us as we explore avenues like social stock exchanges, new microfinance paradigms, and carbon credit utilisation to unlock essential funds for meaningful change.

Implementation-Fidelity and Quality

Navigating the gap between envisioned outcomes and reality is a common challenge in social impact. While research emphasises implementation fidelity, its practicality in addressing real-world problems requires further examination, especially regarding the balance between scale and quality.

Join us to explore quality care’s impact on maternal and neonatal mortality, health outcome measurement, design adaptation, technology’s role, and data-driven decisions.

Innovative Financing
Innovative Financing

Grounded Climate Response

Amidst record-breaking temperatures, the urgency of the climate crisis is undeniable, affecting health, livelihoods, and beyond. Despite this, community-level action remains underutilised. Let’s engage in dialogue: How can we amplify and integrate existing efforts to address climate change? Join us as we seek solutions and forge pathways for impactful change!

Engage with topics including climate change mapping, regenerative agriculture, market incentives and systemic risk assessment.