Centre fr Strategic Communications for Public Health



Welcome to the Centre for Strategic Communication for Public Health Film Showcase. Explore a curated selection of impactful films that delve into critical public health issues, innovative solutions, and the voices of those affected.


Cotton’s Hidden Voices:
Women’s Voices

The movie throws light on the crucial role women play in the modern textile supply chain. Despite being an integral part of the process, they are undervalued and paid less. The movie answers the question, “What stories can these women tell us about their lives in the fashion industry?”

Produced by: Prof Divya Singhal, Prof Bethan Bide, Prof Matthew Davis, Prof Mark Sumner, Dr Suganya G and Mr Siddhant Shah
Directed by: Goa Institute of Management, Noise Creative and Dranding Consulting
Duration: 12 mins

Cotton's Hidden Voices
Gutter Ki Macchli

Gutter Ki Macchli
(Fish From The Sewer)

The animation film weaves together the voices of the children, youth, and women of a rehabilitation and resettlement colony in Govandi, Mumbai, through their drawings and poetry to vocalise, localise, and visualise their experiences of climate change in their poorly built homes and neighbourhood. Produced after a series of arts-based workshops, the film captures a local vocabulary of the people in the margins that is missing in the discourse around environmental and climate crises in urban spaces.

Directed by: Natasha Sharma
Produced by: Community Design Agency & Global Resilience Partnership
Duration: 9 mins 55 sec


Nature’s Shields

Nature's Shields takes you to diverse geographies of India that are climate-vulnerable, weaving voices of those who have experienced extreme climate effects and those who have been affected by rapid urbanisation that has shrunk precious water resources. The film brings evocative voices of communities taking charge of their environment and demonstrating the power of collective action both for the environment and people.

Directed by: Nidheesh Tyagi (Head of Talking Fish Pvt Ltd)
Produced by: SEEDS Organisation
Duration: 14 mins

Nature's Shields
Gutter Ki Macchli

Where Springs Return…

"Where Springs Return..." is a social documentary film about Gram Vikas' work on "Community-Owned Social and Agroforestry for Protecting and Rejuvenating Water Sources." This film, featuring community members from Odisha, discusses various ways to improve land fertility, regrow forests, and increase groundwater levels.

Directed and Produced by: Ajaya Behera and Gram Vikas
Duration: 8 mins


Springs of Hope

“Springs of Hope” showcases the impact of the Swades Foundation's efforts in water, documenting the before and after of the intervention and the many lives and livelihoods transformed by it.

Directed and Produced by: Sameer More and Swades Foundation
Duration: 11 mins 35 seconds

Cotton's Hidden Voices
Gutter Ki Macchli

Slowing the Spread of Dengue Fever

In recent years, dengue has emerged as a pressing global health concern, exacerbated by the effects of our changing climate. Yet, financial support for dengue control and community-based interventions remains limited, particularly in Asia. To tackle this challenge, AVPN joined forces with Takeda to shed light on opportunities for combating dengue due to climate change. Building on this collaboration, AVPN and Takeda co-created a compelling mini-documentary titled “Slowing the Spread of Dengue Fever” as part of the "Healthier Together: A Path to A Better World" series. Developed in consultation with the WHO Foundation and expertly produced for us by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, this mini-documentary offers insights into innovative disease prevention and management approaches.

Produced and Directed by: AVPN, Takeda and BBC Story Works
Duration: 5 mins 32 seconds


Obsolete | Bhangaar

An elderly couple from Mumbai asks the President and Supreme Court of India for the right to die together. As they await an official response, the film reveals their motivations behind such a desire. Surprisingly their quest to want to die gives the couple renewed purpose.

Directed and Produced by: Sumira Roy and SOW films
Duration: 64 mins 11 sec

Cotton's Hidden Voices
Gutter Ki Macchli

Dumpster Diving with Jaggery

With this documentary, the creators are attempting to take our viewers through the entire reutilization process of converting these scrap cart seat belts into contemporary products like messenger bags, laptop sleeves, home decor items, and adventure gear. The process has many fashionable names, "upcycling", "remanufacturing", "circular design", etc, but for many Indians, the idea of "punah prayog" is one that's ingrained in our DNA.

Produced and Directed by: Gautam Malik
Duration: 14 minutes


Under the Indian Sky: Tales of Climate and Health - Part 1: Our Carers

Climate change is a public health crisis. This short film helps us see the impact of climate change on communities through the eyes of frontline health workers – doctors, nurses, and public health personnel – who find themselves not only as frontline health workers but also on the frontlines of this unprecedented crisis. Through their firsthand accounts, the film stitches together the health impact of climate change as experienced by communities. Come along with us on this journey to hear from people across India.

Produced and Directed by: Swasti and Kamerakirriks
Duration: 4 mins 23 sec

Cotton's Hidden Voices
Gutter Ki Macchli

Impact of Climate Change on Sundarbans People

The documentary highlights the issues residents of Sundarban have been facing due to climate change. We see the community people struggling with hypertension and other health issues due to extremely saline water. The documentary also highlights the efforts invested by the iKure team to help the Sundarban residents, come let us hear their stories.

Directed by: Mouli Gayen
Produced by: Recanteur
Duration: 6 mins 6 sec


Economic Resilience

Pentakota, a coastal village in Puri, Odissa, is a microcosm of a community inextricably linked to the sea. Ten thousand families and migrants from Andhra Pradesh have made this fishing hamlet their home, their livelihoods entirely dependent on the ocean's bounty. Their lives are a daily gamble with the unforgiving sea. The looming threat of loss, whether it's a meagre catch or a loved one swallowed by the waves, casts a long shadow over their community. The film is a stark portrayal of their daily struggles and their unwavering hope for a future, thanks to Gopabandhu Seva Parishad.

Produced and Directed by: Vrutti and Kamerkirriks
Duration: 5 minutes 14 seconds

Cotton's Hidden Voices
Gutter Ki Macchli

Beyond the Clinic: The Invest4Wellness Model at Rehti

"Beyond the Clinic" is a documentary exploring the transformative impact of the Invest4Wellness model on women in Rehti. The film follows the inspiring journeys of women who have benefited from microfinance loans, self-help groups, and community health initiatives. Through intimate storytelling, the documentary unveils how these interconnected programs have empowered women to improve their health, financial stability, and overall well-being, ultimately creating a ripple effect of positive change within their community.

Produced and Directed by: Swasti and Kamerakirriks
Duration: 15 minutes 34 seconds